What is your commitment to this pet? Whiskers is committed to our rescued pets for the remainder of their lives. We understand that this is not a commitment that every family can make, given timing and circumstances. This form is used both for permanent and temporary foster placement. We ask this question to help us understand which pets will be most successfully place with you, whether for a short or long period. Please answer as honestly as possible to ensure both you and the pet have the best experience.
Foster Home Readiness Assessment The following questions seek to determine if your home is appropriately equipped to facilitate a successful foster experience. If you have questions or need supplies (kennel, baby gates, etc.) to enable you to foster, we are happy to help - just ask!
Veterinary Information Whiskers provides veterinary services for all of our foster animals. If you have an established relationship with a veterinary clinic and would like to enter their contact information, please do so below.
Emergency Contact Information All Whiskers pets are microchipped, and the registration is administered by our rescue. Please provide the name and phone number of a trusted adult who lives OUTSIDE of your primary residence. This person will be listed as an emergency contact if your foster pet is found at large, is injured, and/or if we are unable to contact you.
Whiskers Foster Agreement(Required) It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.
A minor child is the responsibility of the parent and must be supervised at all times. Whiskers is not responsible for any injury to child due to animal interactions, or any other injury incurred while parent or guardian is volunteering or fostering. Please do not leave children unattended with the cats.
Whiskers will provide all materials to care for the cats at the store habitats and events. This includes food, litter, blankets, medications, cleaners and other items as needed.
Whiskers will provide all medical care and sterilization cleaners (Accel Rescue) for quarantine areas or areas where sick animals are being treated. This product is not for general cleaning and is only for sterilization. Whiskers will provide fosters with cleaning protocols and information for cleaning areas where animals in your care are housed. Recommendations for basic cleaners and dilution ratios for sterilizing dishes using bleach will be provided.
Whiskers will provide food, litter, blankets, and other supplies if/when Whiskers receives donations of those items. These donations are not guaranteed, please discuss food and supply needs prior to committing to fostering. We do also ask that you do use foods and formulas as discussed with us or recommended under veterinary care if needed.
Whiskers is always grateful and accepting of donations specifically in foster situations. In foster situations, we are grateful to our foster who can help with basic supplies. All basic supply items purchased for the specific care of your Whiskers foster animal may be eligible as a tax deductible donation to Whiskers. We recommend that you consult your tax professional regarding deductions.
It is very important if you notice any sudden changes in an animal in your care in eating (stopping eating, drinking, vomiting abnormally) or bathroom habits (not using litter box, sudden excessive diarrhea not related to stress or food change that cannot be controlled) you contact Whiskers, sometimes it takes up to 48 hours to schedule a veterinary check if needed. We would rather schedule and cancel than need to use an emergency room. Often times we can address illness without a veterinary visit through basic medications or with a phone call to our veterinarian.
Thank you for completing this application form and for fostering with us! We are very grateful to those who dedicate their time to help Whiskers save lives!!!
I have read and agree to abide by the Whiskers Foster Agreement.
Special Skills or Qualifications(Required) Summarize special skills and qualifications you have acquired from employment, previous volunteer work, or through other activities, including hobbies or sports.